Displaying your main products in the header of your website makes good marketing sense. However, by default, Odoo does not allow you to do this. We solved this issue by creating the Website Category Header module.
The Challenge
Our customer wanted to communicate their top products in the best way possible on their website. So, they challenged us to create a solution that would allow them to easily add and update product categories at the top of their website without having to do it manually each time.
We created the Website Category Header module to overcome this.
The Solution
The Website Category Header module was purpose-built to help Odoo users easily show their product categories at the top of their website. This has clear benefits when it comes to product marketing and allows users to be more flexible in the way they promote their products.
How it Works
The module works by displaying product categories on a bar at the top of the website. The categories can be customised easily directly from within Odoo via a form. It also offers levels of customisation such as allowing users to change the colour of the bar, which categories are shown and the order of the categories.